Dynasty Duels

Dynasty Duels

Our real time strategy game

OSM’s success allowed us to go beyond the online football management market. And what a journey that was! Dynasty Duels has it all: battle, strategy, depth and excitement. All wrapped in a creative look on world history.

Note: Dynasty Duels was killed in 2020 because it couldn’t live up to our high expectations.


The adventure

Dynasty Duels is also a symbol for the adventure we started when we began building this game at Gamebasics Studio. After a massive success in the online football management market, continuing there would have been the easy road. But we wanted to look outside our comfort zone and address new gamers. And we did. No training camps or attacking coaches in Dynasty Duels, instead there are ruthless pirates and robust Romans. A pleasure to the eyes.

2019 marks the Dynasty Duels soft launch in the Netherlands.

Dynasty Duels is in beta which allows a lot of players to give feedback.

A team of experienced game makers is formed to create this new game.

Soft Launch

The call is made in 2018: we’re going to make a new game!


User feedback

Dynasty Duels is a completely different game compared to OSM. But they are surprisingly similar in the most important aspect: user feedback. The game is built as small as possible to expand it based on player preferences. This led to a continuous stream of players stopping by our office to play the game. A big help!